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Symptom To Consider Towards Alzheimer Disease

By Margaret Taylor

What is Alzheimers disease? Alzheimer is actually the most common type of dementia. Dementia of what most people know about it, it is a disorder that affects the mental process, usually caused by brain diseases or head injuries. However, now days with all the technological advancements, especially in the medical fields there is a Alzheimers long term care MI.

Most of the time, medical expert would recommend that you take care of your health before all your unhealthy habits take a heavy toll on you. There are way of how to avoid Alzheimers. First of all you need to engage more on healthy physical activities. Because study show that the more you become physically inclined, the probability of Alzheimers will lessen.

Regular exercise is the first pillar that you should maintain as study shows that it reduces the chances of Alzheimers by 50 percent, and in chances that you have already developed cognitive problems regular exercise can slow down further decline in your cognitive ability.

The second pillar is Social engagement, no man is an island this statement means to tell, that human being cannot survive on their own. And that goes the same with the human brain, it cannot triumph in isolation. Therefore one must always build up that social circle and create good relationships with the ones surrounding you.

Building a good social relationship, is also a factor that according to studies will lessen the chance of Alzheimers. It mainly is because the brain like a human individual cannot thrive alone. So therefore the good environment and mental result of surrounding yourself with good friends does truly help your brain more than you could imagine.

Fourth the inability to write, read and speak properly. Most common impairment is the ability to remember common words, often patients with Alzheimers disease would stutter in between ideas and word, and would find spelling words as difficult task.

Over thinking is definitely not good for you. However, studies have proved that challenging your brain to learning new things can be very helpful in avoiding Alzheimers. They even conducted an social experiment choosing people to go through challenging mental training.

The symptoms might start with you or anyone you know forgetting about ordinary and common things, but if remained untreated throughout the years. All these symptoms are proven to worsen until you are unable to remember the family that you once cared for and loved, or even forget who you are.

Last but not the least, stress management it is already known that stress does not only affect emotionally it also affects you mentally. In the latest studies, it is stated that stress does take a heavy toll into your brain, leading the key memory area of your brain to shrink and above all increases the possibility of Alzheimers. These are only key advices to avoiding the possibility the disease in the future, by the end of the day, you still get to choose if you want to live a healthy lifestyle or continue with the all the unhealthy habits that you have been doing.

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