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Sun Brown And Sun Tan And Using Dark Tanning Lotions

By Haywood Hunter

For most sun bathing and dark tanning lotions are synonymous with the beachfront. It is a past time that is appreciated by many whether you are a surfer, a picnic beach person or just someone who likes to take an early morning stroll on the beach. Not many have the time to do this unless you are retired or do not have the privilege of not having to work for a living.

Whether you out taking a stroll it is best practice to use dark tanning lotions. They offer the skin protection against ultraviolet radiations as well as nourishing the skin when you are outdoors. Dark tanning lotions as its name describes allows you to tan darkly leaving you with an overall glow of dark tanned brown look.

There are some that want to exude this look on a daily basis and this is why many have taken to using dark tanning lotions that are applied to the skin. They tint the skin and exude their glow just as if you had spent a week away on vacation to an exotic island resort. People with light skin complexions use these dark tanning lotions to do just that.

This can lead to many favorable outcomes on a social level. Dark tanning lotions do just this. They change the way in which people perceive you and open up metaphorical doorways to better prospects on a social level.

Apart from this dark tanning lotions offer you a means to not spend too much time in the sun. More and more studies show that too much sunlight is bad for you. They cause burning and sometimes third degree burns that require medical attention.

Dark tanning lotions help you in reducing the amount of electromagnetic radiation that your skin naturally absorbs when exposed to sunlight. These electromagnetic radiations are also referred to as ultraviolet rays. Dark tanning lotions help you to avoid them although it is important to spend some time in sunlight because sunlight encourages the production of certain vitamins in the skin.

Dark tanning lotions can be used wherever you are whether you are spending time at the beach or not. Some just like to take in the fresh sea air whilst spending time on vacation. Dark tanning lotions allow you to do just this. It is a means in spending less time in the sun whilst dark tanning lotions allow you and afford you the time to do other things like taking long walks on the beachfront with your family or best friends.

It is advisable to use them on and off intermittently as this gives your skin the respite it needs from the harmful effects that prolonged periods in the sun can bring about. They slow down the aging process when used properly. Dark tanning lotions can be worn both in winter and in summer it all depends on how much ultraviolet radiation is being emitted at times of the year and is also dependent on other factors which are worthwhile investigating before attempting to spend long durations of time in the glow of the sun.

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