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Knowing About Foam Rubber Closures

By Susan Baker

Polyurethane and natural latex are two of the most common materials in foam rubbers. Latex rubber is commonly being used in mattresses this is because it has a great amount of endurance. Other purposes of this are cushioning furniture and seats, and also for roof, wall, and appliance insulation.

Rigid and flexible foams are the two most basic types. Rigid foam rubber closures are used mostly for insulation of refrigerators, freezers, and buildings. The rigid type has closed cell structure that would prevent gas movement. Flexible rubbers are used mostly for cushioning mattresses, pillows, and furniture. The flexible type has open cell structure that are being produced with high density and low density.

The formulation of each ingredient and chemical must be properly designed to achieve the desired final material. Each ingredient is consist of amount, molecular structure, and reaction temperature. These ingredients will determine the characteristics and purpose of the foam.

During foaming, for example, the blowing agent requires much amount of water when its amount is being increased as well to maintain the bubble sizes and formation rates. By the amount of blowing, one can determine the density of foam. Polyurethane, which is the most commonly used material, can also be changed in terms of its hardness and stiffness.

Molding the polyurethane formulation can be done by hand, but it would take several minutes for it to be mixed. There are machines available that can be used in order to mix the formulation faster. Operations can be quicker if these machines would be utilized. Processing of the formulations are done in different techniques and ways.

The products Cobourg ON are manufactured in five processes. First, preparation of materials. Large car tanks are going to deliver first the liquid chemicals and transfers it to another large tank. And from the large tank, it is transferred to smaller tanks to keep the separation. Second, dispensing and mixing, where the distribution of foams with low density takes place in the production. Specific amounts of chemicals are mixed with other components. The chemicals will then be poured into the conveyor belt after mixing in large tanks.

Third is cutting and curing. When it is almost poured into the conveyor belt, it will be automatically sliced horizontally and it is stored in a room for 12 hours or more. Since it is not yet firm enough, they will not be stacked. They are sliced again after curing according to the its desired thickness.

Fourth, process of laminating. Board stocks are being formed by the rigid insulation panels. For insulation of appliances, liquids are injected in between the outer and inner walls of the appliances. Fifth, product molding. Distribution machines varies the chemicals that are poured. Distribution will allow the molded foams to be produced with hardness.

When all processes are done, products will be inspected, monitored, and tested for mechanical and physical properties. One important property is indentation. This is the means of measuring product quality. Industries today are doing continuous investigations on techniques of reducing and recycling scraps. Manufacturers as well are doing investigations on processes of producing new foams from shredded materials.

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