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Why It Is Necessary To Have An Energy Healing Session

By Donald Bennett

Spiritual healing is a divine form of therapy, which is used to heal people clear stagnant energy. In most case, this is disorder which is associated with accumulated stress. It usually occur when the energy fields are blocked by emotions. In fact, individuals with such a disorder are supposed to go for energy healing session one every month. This will help them to eliminate those old feeling which might not be of any help to them. Therefore, once spiritual healing revolves around clearing bad memories and even dreams which cause stress hence blocking your energy fields.

Therapists who lead this sessions are always sicker than the people they are going to heal. This is because during the healing session, they usually assume the feeling of the sick person. That is, they try to be empathetic in the sense that, they will not only feel what the patient is feeling emotionally, but also physically. This is because they have the ability to absorb energy from other people.

Since spiritual medicine revolves around trying to understand how an individuals is feeling, therapists are supposed to be able to have empathy to others people. Owing to this trait, they become selfless and they absorbs all the pain of the patients and assume it by use of their divine powers. Once they start experiencing the same way, they sick individuals become healed immediately.

One of the major challenge, which is usually faced by these therapist is accumulation of too much power within their body. This is because during the stress releasing sessions, therapists absorb a lot of power from different individuals, which end up forming power blockages with time and this may make them get sick too. This is why these therapist are supposed to make sure that they are supposed to cleanse themselves on daily basis.

During the sessions, therapists can use different methods to administer this treatment to patients undergoing emotional stress. One of the commonly used modalities is transmutation method. This mode of healing usually involves absorbing all the power and pain possessed by an individuals in their body. After they have absorbed the power, they are in position to transform and once the transformation process is over, an individual becomes restored.

Since these healer use their own strength during these session, they usually start to experience some funny symptoms. This symptoms includes feeling generally weak and drained. This is because during the transmutation process, they lose a lot of energy and assume all the pain from the patient in order to make them feel better.

If you are a spirituals therapists, you are supposed to be in a position to know strength, which is yours and, which is not yours. Every morning, it is important to note your emotional feelings before you starting attending to different people. If for instance you were had a happy feeling in the morning and after some times during the session you become sad, then that sad feeling does not belong to you. You are required to get rid of it for your welfare.

After research, it has been found that, among the major traits of these therapists is that they, during their healing sessions, their hands usually become very hot. This is because a lot of power usually pass through their hands. In fact, the palms are said to be power centers that are in position to ready energy from different individuals. In the city Sarasota, FL, these session are common.

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