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Protecting Your Home During El Nino

By Cletus Jackson

Proper maintenance of your home is always encouraged, but it is especially important when a storm approaches. California residents are all on guard for the El Nino storms that are forecast to come. It's hard to believe that after several years of drought, that there is now the chance of flash flooding! So, to be prepared for the rainy season, some key parts of your home should be inspected.

By far the roof gets the most lashing from storms, and they are likely the hardest thing to inspect because they are literally above your heads. You - or a professional - can get on the roof to look for any overall damage. After the inspection, any old or damaged roof decking should be replaced as soon as possible. Even though roof shingles can be mainly cosmetic, it can lead to a lot of problems if they are damaged; missing, cupping, or damaged shingles should be replaced.

A well waterproofed home can make all the difference in how your home handles the heavy rains for the upcoming season. Drainage systems for your home should be maintained if not already checked, since improper drainage can lead to your home's foundation shifting around. Check the basement for any previously existing leaks such as random spots of water or water stains in the walls or ceilings. Caulking and sealants around your home can always deteriorate, so check to see if there is a leak while there is not any rain already pouring.

Also with windows and doors, air or water leaks should be found and repaired. Air leaks can be found by sealing all doors and windows, closing all the vents, turning on all kitchen and bath exhaust fans; then, pass a burning incense stick along all openings to locate any air coming in from the outside. You can test to see if your windows are still secure by giving them a little shake and if there is a rattling sound, then that means air and rain can seep in. Visually inspect windows and doors for cracks or gaps that let in light from the outside.

Whether or not you have a new home, inspections should be done regularly so that you are never unprepared for when a storm comes. Keeping track on the status of your roof, maintaining waterproofing materials around your home, and checking leaks in windows and doors will help you be prepared for any upcoming storms that your home may face.

All throughout California are many businesses in the race to repair any home for the upcoming El Nino storms! Builders such as Hayward Lumber also have the supplies you need.

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