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How Leaders Can Start Improving Instruction Giving

By Ruth Graham

Leaders are at the position not to simply delegate, but also empower the people that are under them. If one wants to have the desired results from the tasks that he gives to his employees or subordinates, then he has to make sure that he knows how to properly give instructions to them. So as someone who is in a leadership position, he has to make sure that he will begin improving instruction giving.

Now, one thing that one has to take note of is that the art of communication plays an extremely important role in instructing. One has to know how to delegate by serving as an example who knows how to make things understandable. Making instructions understandable and easy to do is the way to avoid miscommunications.

When one becomes a leader, he has to first stop being in the mindset that his employees or his subordinates are there to serve him. That said, he should put a lot of emphasis on training his employees. He should never assume that his employees know what he wants them to do even if he has not given them proper instructions or trained them yet. One of the ways to do this is to avoid jargon for newbies and create a good training program at the onset.

Going on to training and orientation, this is an extremely important part to take note of. At the onset of employment or recruitment, leaders must put together a good training program to get the people ready for their work. As mentioned above, subordinates are not assumed to know what they are not taught which is why training is crucial.

Next, one has to break down instructions in bullet or number form so that his subordinates can see the steps. This is to ensure that everything is featured step by step and that there is no confusion whatsoever. Also, do not speak too fast otherwise the subordinate might not understand.

One other tip that one can do is to make sure that the instructions are written down or sent as a soft copy. A lot of managers send emails with complete instructions and have them CCd to other staff so that there is no blaming. This also helps bosses keep on check who takes responsibility for the tasks.

The last thing that one should do as a leader is to ensure that there is a culture of open communication between the leader and his subordinates. If a leader does not encourage his subordinates to ask questions, then they will not dare ask questions about instructions even if they do not understand. So make sure the subordinates are not afraid to ask questions.

If one wants to be a leader, then he cannot just think about telling people to do this and that. Instead, he has to think about communicating his ideas in a way that will make it understandable and easy to do to his subordinates. If his subordinates are able to translate his ideas into actual actions, then he has given them the right instructions and has succeeded as a leader.

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