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When It Might Be Time To Think About Infertility Counseling

By Edward Mitchell

Having children comes easily to a lot of couples. Once they decide it's time, it just happens. There are other couples who try for years to conceive and are disappointed each month when it doesn't happen. As the female partner ages, the chances of getting pregnant become less likely and the process of carrying a child to term, more dangerous. The problem can consume partners and destroy relationships. Many times infertility counseling can help.

Every time they get the news they still aren't pregnant, new panic can set in. It's common for one partner to react more obsessively than the other. This is something that can take over people's lives and affect every decision they make. Discussing the situation with a counselor is one way to try and put things in perspective. This professional can suggest strategies and coping mechanisms to help couples have a full life away from their fertility issues.

One partner may want to discuss the situation over and over again. The other partner might find it difficult to talk and would rather be told how to fix the problem. This can lead to frustration and anger. A counselor may meet with each partner individually and then together in order to recommend better communication techniques.

When pregnancy doesn't happen naturally, a couple has some important decisions to make. IVF is an option, and a big decision. It is extremely expensive, usually not covered by insurance, and not always successful. It also takes a physical toll on the woman going through it. It sometimes takes a third party to listen and help the couple decide whether or not this is a viable option.

There are alternatives to natural pregnancy and IVF. Sometimes couples only focus on one or two methods and don't seriously entertain any others. A counselor can bring up other options and help couples talk through the issues associated with all of them. For couples considering options like surrogacy or adoption, meeting with a counselor may be required.

It can be extremely difficult for a couple, who want children badly, to resign themselves to the fact that it might never happen. Accepting a life of childlessness can be very hard. After so much time planning for children, they have usually developed a certain mindset that now has to change. It may take a professional to show them how to make the adjustment.

As loving as family and close friends might be, they aren't always the best people to go to when couples need to talk out differences. They can be too close to the situation to listen without expressing strong opinions. Counselors are trained to listen to both sides impartially and compassionately. They will never repeat what they have heard, place blame, or tell one or both partners what they have to do.

There are a lot of reasons why having children is easy for some couples and next to impossible for others. A professional is often the answer for those who struggle. This person can offer suggestions, encouragement, and compassion without judgement or bias.

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