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Millbrae Dentist Supplies Effective Dental Hygiene Tips

By Sherwin Albao

Taking good care of your teeth is the surest way to maintain a healthy and attractive smile. In addition to seeing a Millbrae dentist twice yearly for routine check-ups and cleanings, you also have to make sure that you are brushing and flossing regularly. The following tips will help you avoid problems like tooth decay and gum disease.

The toothbrush that you use each day should have bristles that are soft. Bristles that are too hard will make brushing an uncomfortable experience. It will also abrade the gums and make them swollen an sore. You can clean your teeth far more effectively and with far less irritation by using a soft brush.

Flossing is something that you have to do daily. You should make sure to floss thoroughly right before bed and after heavy meals. This is going to eliminate any plaque and food debris that you were unable to remove by brushing.

When you are done flossing your teeth, you should follow up with a good mouthwash. You can use solutions that are sold in-store or you can rinse your mouth with saltwater that you have mixed at home. Much like using floss, using mouthwash is a great way to ensure that all trapped food debris has been removed.

Whenever you have chewy, sticky or sweet snacks, you should make sure to clean you teeth immediately after. This limits the amount of time that these destructive substances sit on the teeth. Thus, it minimizes the likelihood of cavities.

Another simple strategy for fighting tooth decay is to start oil pulling. This is done by swishing coconut oil or sesame oil around your mouth for twenty minutes. It helps keep the gums lubricated and it prevents gum disease while strengthening the teeth and building them up.

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